Emanuel Lasker I
Emanuel Lasker Volume I
Struggle And Victories. World Chess Champion For 27 Years.
ISBN: 978-3-935800-09-9
This book introduces our new trilogy on the second World chess champion, Emanuel Lasker. It is a major rework of the German edition of 2009, completely translated into English.
Volume one covers Emanuel Lasker's youth and school days and the history of his family. It contains a detailed appreciation of his work and achievements as a mathematician. His life and times in London and in the United States are covered by the renowned chess historians Tony Gillam and John Hilbert. It examines also Lasker's contributions to the art of the chess problem and the endgame study.
The chess-specific part is rounded off by Mihail Marin and Raj Tischbierek with detailed game annotations. Raj Tischbierek analyzes Lasker's match with Siegbert Tarrasch for the world championship 1908.
1 Michael Negele: A Biographical Compass, Part I
2 Wolfgang Kamm & Tomasz Lissowski: Ancestors, Family, and Childhood
3 Tony Gillam: Lasker in Great Britain
4 John Hilbert: Lasker: The American Views
5 Joachim Rosenthal: Lasker and Mathematics
6 Jürgen Fleck: Lasker’s Endgame Studies
7 Ralf Binnewirtz: Lasker’s Chess Problems
8 Raj Tischbierek: The Battle Lasker vs. Tarrasch
9 Mihail Marin: Dominator of the Chess World
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Eine der wichtigsten Veröffentlichungen des Exzelsior-Verlages ist die monumentale Lasker-Monographie aus dem Jahre 2009, die jedoch schnell ausverkauft war. Nun erscheint eine neue, dreiteilige Lasker-Biographie in englischer Sprache.
Der erste Band behandelt die Kindheit und Schulzeit von Emanuel Lasker sowie seine Familiengeschichte. Daneben befasst er sich mit dem mathematischen Wirken des einzigen deutschen Schachweltmeisters. Sein Leben und Wirken in London und in den USA wird von den renommierten Schachhistorikern Tony Gillam und John Hilbert dargestellt. Außerdem wird Laskers Beitrag zum Problem- und Studienschach beleuchtet.
Den schachspezifischen Bereich decken Mihail Marin und Raj Tischbierek mit ausführlich kommentierten Partien ab. Raj Tischbierek untersucht Laskers Wettkampf gegen Siegbert Tarrasch um die Weltmeisterschaftskrone 1908.
Vorschau (dt) in der Zeitschrift SCHACH: 38-Laskerbuch.pdf
Zusammenfassung (engl): Leseprobe / extract
Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, dass es der erste Teil der Lasker-Trilogie auf die Auswahlliste "Buch des Jahres" des Englischen Schachverbandes geschafft hat.
We are very proud to learn that "Emanuel Lasker Volume I" has been nominated on the shortlist of the "book of the year" by the English Chess Federation.
The full announcement:
"The editors combined with ten (!) high calibre contributors to produce an outstanding work on Lasker’s early years up to about 1909. All aspects of Lasker’s complex character are explored. Not all the many chapters can be mentioned here; two outstanding are the examination of the World Championship match with Tarrasch in 1908 and Marin’s deep analysis of Lasker’s style. Expensive, but worth every penny."
Mihail Marin
For a player with such a prodigious career as Lasker’s, the widely spread syntagm that he was mainly paying attention to the psychological aspects of the over the board fight is not only unfair, but also presents the risk of lowering his purely technical merits in the public opinion’s eyes.
There are a few more objective and deeper elements that make his best games instructive for the modern player.
Lasker was an universal player, able to find his way in a wide range of positions, from the most quiet (or boring) ones to the most chaotic and irrational ones. As a general thread, he possessed the ability of generating ideas out of the blue, as a player who would not just follow the requirements of the position, but make the game flow along his own plans. From this point of view I would compare him with David Bronstein and Magnus Carlsen. In an era dominated by computers, the modern player can learn from Lasker’s games how to think independently, a most dangerous weapon against the opponents dependent on the dry “+1.00” way of reasoning.
On more concrete terms and even though by far not all his games are linear and flawless, players of all ages and levels will find a handful of positions and sequences perfectly suited for training or learning and, quite surely a lot of fun.
John Hilbert
This volume, the first of three, presents Lasker in a depth and breadth never before seen. His life, in all its astonishing facets, is reflected in the many contributions by eminent figures in their fields.
I can’t speak for my own contribution, but I can for the rest of the book: beautifully bound, handsomely illustrated, finely written, impeccably edited, Emanuel Lasker is that rarest of chess biographies: a worthy historical tribute and a fascinating read.